I’d like to order dye-modified DNA. [TTTTT/{Texas-Red-X}/TTTTT] In terms of internal dye molecules, could you please let me know how the dye can bind between the sequences? And, I wonder if there is agap between front-bases and back-bases, because I want to hybridize this with other complementary DNA(A10). -Taeseok Oh

Dear Taeseok,

Thank you for your question. You can order your dye-modified oligo through OligoBuilder®, our online ordering system.

Texas Red can be incorporated into your oligo by using a selective amino linker, like Thymidine-5-C2 Amino Linker or the C6 version. This modification can replace one of your bases and hybridize with your target.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

Best regards,